Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Show that initially talked about serial killers, but ended up in becoming an interesting discussion re: the death penalty.




2 days before the infamous "Area 51" caller called in. Pretty good show, hope they continue to give us good OL SITs.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jackie Torrence - Scary Tales For Scary Times


My psychologist Aunt really sparked a love of the paranormal in me at a
VERY young age. She worked at a half-way house in L.A., in the 80's
and one of the clients gave her a purple cassette tape (I remember it

And so, when I used to hang out with Aunt Joan, she would play this
tape for me all the time - I think i may have even messed the tape up
by the time I was 10 or so, I'd listened to it soooo many times.

The tape was "Scary Tales For Scary Times" by Jackie Torrence. I was 6, mind
you, when my aunt first let me hear this tape. These stories creep the
hell outta me today. The way she tells the stories, she's so emotive
and descriptive, it gives me goosebumps just thinking about a few of
the stories,

1. Elvira And Henry
2. Lydia
3. Shoes
4. The Golden Arm
5. Sleeping Sickness

Elvira and Henry, and Sleeping Sickness and Lydia had me riveted as a
kid. The Golden Arm was scary as a child, but hilarious as an adult
(listen, and you'll see why), and Shoes... maybe she needed to fill
the time lol

Great instances of classic southern story telling.

Scary Tales For Scary Times

Monday, January 24, 2011

SIT 2-28-97

Lazy post - Artwork later.

Here's a pic of my the Ash seedling my goddamn cat ate: Photobucket

SIT - 1997-02-28

Monday, January 17, 2011



Fantastic show, with Ian and Mark Hall on the phenomenon of giant Thunderbirds.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2006-08-26 - Partial DMT Discussion / OL


Art Bell has a partial discussion with a fella who sounds like he took a little bit too much DMT himself.. then open lines with callers calling in on drug experiences.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Classic Art Bell - Area 51, Sean David Morton and "Area 51 Worker, Victor"

These were the type of shows that initially turned a lot of us on to Art.

Whether he's done with Coast or not, Art was a master showman - He turned Area 51 into a viable discussion for 5 hours. Only Art.
